Two For The Road: Appreciation and Planning

ap·pre·ci·a·tion / əˌprēSHēˈāSH(ə)n / noun 1. recognition and enjoyment of the good qualities of someone or something. So this month I intentionally waited to post my blog until today: Teacher Appreciation Day. Today marks the beginning of a sequence of staff appreciation day beginning with our Teachers and then moving to School Nurse (May 8th), Transportation (May 9th), Teaching Assistant (May 14th) and Teacher Aides (May 21st). And while I know that we truly appreciate all of these staff members every day of the year - and that I am very thankful for a PTO that ensures our staff knows how appreciative our parents are by spoiling them with a special ARE baseball jersey and treats across the week - this is also my chance to publicly thank them for the amazing job they do each and every day from September to June, and throughout the summer months as well. As you know, the profession has changed, and this is ...