
Showing posts from January, 2019
Happy New Year Allen Road!  As you can see, I have decided to trade in the traditional newsletter for an ongoing blog format.  Feedback over the past year has indicated that the gazette isn't as widely read as it used to be, and it seems that a monthly update and entry in this format can keep you equally informed to the degree that you want to read more, dig deeper, or just visit occasionally to keep up on what is happening at Allen Road from my perspective.  Why 'Gator Bait'?  Well, let's just hope the topics are enticing enough to hook you and have you read on to find out more each month about being an ARE Gator! My intent will be to write briefly about two or three topics each month that will be informative to you as an Allen Road parent, and include connections and links to other resources in which you might also be interested.  I will post an entry at the beginning of each month and email it out via SchoolTool.  I'm hoping to learn more about bloggin...